This week was another fantastic week! We had two more baptisms!!! Let's gooo
Irma Socorro and Simon. Irma Socorro will have 70 years next month! She is so nice and always makes us juice and gives us cake when we visit her! She also has a fantastic story but doesn't have much time to share!
This week I went on splits with another Elder (Elder Banda from Mexico) in his area! It was a ton of fun! But I also had a really cool experience. We first had to refill the water and pick up some stuff from his house first. There are 6 Elders that live in that house. When I went to their house I noticed that it was so so so so dirty. There were also 4 other Elders sitting around just talking when they should be working. One of those 4 elders asked me Why Elder Moody and I have so many baptisms (we get these questions a lot like how do you find all of these people etc.) It was sad that he was asking me this as he was sitting in his dirty house relaxing and not working. I've always have had good answers to these questions but the main answer to this question didn't come to me until later that day. Elder Moody and I have had so much success because the Lord Can Trust Us with his people. We follow all of the rules, our house is always really clean, and we are always working! And so many other things. I'm not here to brag, but you can really see the difference between Elder Moody And I and those who are not having success.
So anyways, Missionary work starts with a clean house!
Always keep a clean and organized house because the spirit can reside there. The Spirit will work through you when you don't even know it! For example, We plan our day in our house. The spirit works through us to make choices and a lot of times when we don't even know it!
So Thanks mom for teaching me how to clean!
Oh and we played Basketball for the first time in the field. Man, it's been a while! And it was hot too!
I Love you all! Brazil is way cool and I'm still discovering more fruits that I haven't even heard of!